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Amazon Fires- Updates The catastrophe which surrounds the Amazon Rainforest is incredible! Another case of greed is on the menu. Indigenous residents of Brazil and other adjacent areas cannot breathe as they once did. Could you imagine! Unbelievable! Now, where do we go from here? Good question! I don’t know what to say! It boils down to this: Either we stop destroying the planet to live or continue destroying it and die. Just that simple! Desensitizing this situation as if it’s another seasonal occurrence is not the answer either. In this situation, you literally have GMO farming conglomerates fighting both residents and Pro Amazon NGOs to keep destroying the Amazon for economic gain! Common ground for both sides is minimal to say the least… This is where we are right about now and that’s a crime within itself! What these conglomerates know is that destroying the Amazon will bring more climate change and natural disaster behind it. Death tolls will rise exponential...
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The Earth’s Lack of Clean Drinking Water Another Great show Wednesday! Water Scarcity is growing at an alarming rate throughout the world! Supply doesn’t satisfy demand! Countries around the world really need to galvanize around this important critical issue quickly to come to a sound resolution as a global collective. Desperation and destitution have worsened to its core to the point of global catastrophe. Water Scarcity continues to have third world countries and even parts of the Western Hemisphere at a standstill! Flint Michigan is a prime example. Many continue to not take heed to the signs around them of crises. Sooner than late crises and despair will not be ignored by the masses.  Do we really understand the value of fresh drinking water that doesn’t make you sick? Without fresh water every part of your life gets affected. Everything from employment opportunities to healthy lifestyles are diminished or even nonexistent. The United States may not have the most ...
Green Talk Live and More show Land usage in NYC and its Politics August 21, 2019 Great show this past Wednesday. In Retrospect, the current conditions of Land Usage in NYC are deplorable, horrible and a complete disgrace. There are agencies that can alleviate the situation but are paid to stand down and let the situation get worse for community gardens and urban farms in NYC. 200 gardens were wiped out as a result of Greed-plain and simple. What happened to us with our farms was illegally done with collusion and false narratives depicted to the public which were not true. Our projects were set up to fail so the public-especially low-economic areas of NYC primarily, would not enjoy the benefits. As I stated in the Podcast, everyone across the country should get ready with disaster management relief in some capacity in homes everywhere. You cannot depend on government agencies or nonprofits to assist in times of global crises. Funding is stagnated due to corruption and ...

Welcome to the Green Talk Live and More Show

Green Talk Live and More, a labor of love that we started five years ago, was a genesis of everything we thought and felt about the experiences we had for over a decade in the Green Movement. Its been an amazing journey with lots of ups and downs. Nevertheless, evolution must take place.    As we go digital, our first show since 2014, which is the seventh in our series " Land usage in NYC and its politics " will be covering the current Land Usage Crisis in NYC, the politics and current updates...... Green Talk Live and More Press Release: Culinary Kids RELAUNCH: Green Talk Live and More Podcast Show- Wednesday, August 21 from 8-10 p.m. EST. Green Talk Live and More, show dedicated to the green movement both domestic and international discusses current developments and trends in the green movement in the areas of industry, government and sciences with the focus on renewable energy trends.    August 6, 2019 (Far Rockaway NY)  August ...