Green Talk Live and More show Land usage in NYC and its Politics August 21, 2019 Great show this past Wednesday. In Retrospect, the current conditions of Land Usage in NYC are deplorable, horrible and a complete disgrace. There are agencies that can alleviate the situation but are paid to stand down and let the situation get worse for community gardens and urban farms in NYC. 200 gardens were wiped out as a result of Greed-plain and simple. What happened to us with our farms was illegally done with collusion and false narratives depicted to the public which were not true. Our projects were set up to fail so the public-especially low-economic areas of NYC primarily, would not enjoy the benefits. As I stated in the Podcast, everyone across the country should get ready with disaster management relief in some capacity in homes everywhere. You cannot depend on government agencies or nonprofits to assist in times of global crises. Funding is stagnated due to corruption and ...